Riccia crinita (trichocarpa)

Riccia crinita (trichocarpa) Taylor (Ricciaceae)
Hairy crystalwort
Hairy Riccia

Distinguishing Features

A rare species, R. trichocarpa forms small rosettes (~1cm wide) on thin soils with open exposure. These rosettes distinguished by an abundance of hairs present all around the margins and underside of the plant.

Similar species

Riccia beyrichiana also has marginal outgrowths, but they are much shorter, much wider and much less numerous than those of R. trichocarpa. No other Riccia species has the abundant fine hairs of Rl trichocarpa.


Seasonally moist fine mineral soil, especially around seepage sites and ephemeral pools. Rare, SW & SC BC.

Associated species

Gemmabryum barnesii, Pottia truncata, Riccia sorocarpa, Riccia beyrichiana, Riccia cavernosa, Pleuridium acuminatum, Philonotis capillaris

[1] "no GBIF data to display"